Works Like A Magnet
Negatively-charged zeolite works like a magnet trapping positively-charged toxins such as aluminum, lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium before carrying them out of the body.
Proven Pure
Our lab-tested cleansing process removes pollutants from the mined zeolite, it is then reduced to nano-size to create a hydrated zeolite liquid that detoxifies at a cellular level.
Only Targets Toxins
Numerous studies attest to the selective nature of the zeolite Clinoptilolite, to only take out toxins, never our body’s important good nutrients.
Stephanie’s Testimony
Obesity runs in my family. I have watched loved ones spend the last decade of their life bed-ridden due to weight. I have been heavy since high-school, and despite hard work and continuous health education, I always landed back at the same heavy weight.
I hired trainers, studied and followed countless exercise regimens, and passed whole seasons following well-researched diets. I’d spend weeks where I was weak with hunger to painstakingly lose a few pounds, only to regain everything within hours of resuming a healthy caloric intake. I gained and lost over 200 pounds in my twenties.
I was hopeless. But I also couldn’t stop trying. After the first Health Freedom Summit in April 2020, I started to study detoxing. A hair sample test revealed I was poisoned with mercury and aluminum. My body was kindly storing my toxic load away from my internal organs in fat storage deposits; once I detoxified, those were no longer needed. I lost 30 pounds and have never felt more energy. Now a year later, I’m enjoying being a size two, eating normally, and I finally have a joyful relationship with healthy food.
When I see old pictures of myself I just want to give myself a hug—and share Eddy Stone’s message with everyone! (Scroll down for Alana’s must-see interview.) For people who have ‘hopeless’ or unexplainable health conditions: start with detoxing. Tell everyone you know to detox. And never stop detoxing. We are being poisoned, and a lot of your health challenges are not your fault. You can feel radically better than you do. Even if you think you’ve ‘tried everything,’ try this cellular detox—and I hope you find the breakthrough you deserve.
“Doctors know the cumulative effects of pollutants, toxins, heavy metals and other carcinogens can have a devastating effect on our bodies. Pure Body meets the rigorous standards medical professionals seek.“
Zeolites Are Doctor Approved
“Every day we are exposed to more toxins than we can naturally remove. We need help to remove our toxic body burden. My family members use, and I strongly recommend, the supplements of Touchstone Essentials.“
Naturally harvested zeolite must be cleansed of environmental pollutants; because that’s what zeolites are good at in nature – absorbing toxins! Pure Body Extra has been cleansed of existing pollutants (proven with third-party independent clinical testing) and reduced to a nanometer size so they can work at a cellular level.
When zeolite is nano-sized and suspended in water molecules it can travel even past the blood-brain barrier. The collective surface area of the zeolite particles together with its negative-charge and honeycomb shape act as a natural chelator, binding to positively-charged toxins and ushering them out of the body.
Stephanie uses this spray to reach the cellular level for her daughter with Down Syndrome – Jolie’s condition involves an inability to process heavy metals making the tasteless spay of colloidal zeolite perfect to safely remove:
✓ Mercury + Lead
✓ Cadmium + Aluminium
✓ Bisphenol-A (BPA)
✓ Arsenic + Nitrosamines
✓ Pesticides + Herbicides
✓ Radioactive Materials
✓ Benzenes and much more
Emailed User Experiences
“We bought the zeolite a few weeks ago after you recommended it. Since then, I’ve been sleeping! That’s huge for me. If one of my kids’ wakes me during the night, I cannot go back to sleep for hours but since I’ve been taking the zeolite I’ve been able to go right back to sleep during the night! It’s amazing.”
“I’ve given it to all 5 of our kids. Our 3 oldest girls (10-year-old twins and 11-year-old) have been taking it. They all got runny noses within a day of taking it but nothing terrible. It’s been helping them with bowel movements. They were also vaccinated when they were younger so I wonder if that’s why they seemed to get a cold after taking it? Our youngest two boys (5-year-old and 2.5-year-old) have not been vaccinated and they haven’t had any signs of a cold or anything. It’s helped both of them with bowel movements. Our 5-year-old has some sensory problems and gross motor delays so he acts out quite often. We’ve been amazed at how much it’s helped his mood! Today we had a full day of no meltdowns!!! That’s huge for our son! I believe it’s a game changer for him. He’s had the best results out of all of us, so we plan to continue using it. Thank you so much for sharing and thanks for all the time you dedicate to helping all of us!”
“My speech continues to get better [less stuttering] and my husband said he sees me having more energy than I’ve had since he can remember and we’ve been married for 18 years this zeolite is awesome!”
“I decided to try Pure Body Extra Strength because I read a testimonial from a woman who had been experiencing the same inner ear problems I was having. I was desperate to get rid of the pain and pressure. It worked for me, the same as it did for her. I’ve been on that product for about 3 weeks now. I also just realized at this moment that my eyes have become “steady” so that they are no longer jumping back and forth to other words when I am reading. Before, reading was bothersome because my eyes wouldn’t stay focused on whatever line I was reading. They’d skip around onto other words/lines. Now I can probably read for many years to come, as long as I keep taking Pure Body Extra Strength.”
“Thank you again so much for the response. Wow! I’ve only been using it since I emailed you on the 5th. What a significant difference. My mood, my energy, my digestion. It’s like a complete turnaround. I just wanted to say I’m grateful you responded when I was asking you the question between the advanced TRS and this one because I do notice a difference! ~ Sincerely, Apryl”
Hope for the vaccine injured
Calmness + Clarity + Hope
“Our son Steven is a 15-year-old boy with severe autism, and with Pure Body we have observed increased calmness in his behavior and clarity in his thoughts. For the first time he is making eye contact!” –JACOB AND MARGARITA O.
“I found Pure Body Extra Strength zeolite to far exceed my expectations for heavy metal detoxification. Not only does it take toxic metals without removing any important minerals that we need, but it has the added ability of getting toxins out of the cells where they often reside.” KAREN THOMAS // AUTHOR OF NATURALLY RECOVERING AUTISM
I started my son on PBX a few months ago now. We both had our constant headaches go away. Exciting to see my son on the spectrum improve so much. He’s cracking jokes and understanding things better. He’s still on spectrum, but so nice to see him not as frustrated.
We’ve had great results with this. My 3 year olds speech blew up almost instantly & he’s vaxx free and my husband and I have been passing parasites. Yikes.
I bought the zeolite for my speech delayed son. Months have gone by, and his speech has drastically improved. He still has a hard time with some words, but easier to understand. I believe it was the vaccines that injured him. I wished to god I never vaccinated.
Alana’s ExperiencE
“After two years and many sleepless nights suffering through my daughter’s night terrors, horrendous tantrums, and constant, night-and-day coughing I finally discovered zeolites. We had tried steam baths, expensive cough suppressants, sleep strategies, diet restriction—but nothing was helping my innocent little girl and it was causing problems in our relationship and her productivity at school. Her teachers complained about the coughing in particular. I wasn’t getting the rest I needed to serve her or her two younger siblings. I was desperate for a solution and of course our pediatrician was useless.
Eventually I read about the link between heavy metals and inflammation/irritation. I searched for heavy metal detox solutions and discovered zeolites. It was incredibly easy to administer to my daughter who was five years old at the time—like spraying water. Within two weeks of use her coughing stopped. She hasn’t had a persistent cough since. My children and I use a zeolite spray every day and I recommend it to practically every person I meet. It’s been a life-saver for my family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pure Body Extra is a natural way to detoxify your body of harmful heavy metals and toxins. Our breakthrough processes created a hydrated zeolite from whole Clinoptilolite zeolite and pure water. It is safe and gentle enough for everyday use.
What is Zeolite?
Pure Body Extra is a natural way to detoxify your body of harmful heavy metals and toxins. Our breakthrough processes created a hydrated zeolite from whole Clinoptilolite zeolite and pure water. It is safe and gentle enough for everyday use.
What are the Health Benefits of Zeolite?
As heavy metals and toxins are removed, the body can function at an optimal level. Through supporting the immune system, trapping free radicals and helping to balance the body’s pH, you may find you have improved energy levels, a more restful sleep, improved focus and clarity, and an overall sense of well-being.*
Just two! Clinoptilolite (zeolite) and pure water. Pure Body Extra is preservative-free, gluten-free, non-GMO and is all natural.
The porous nature of the zeolite “cage” and its negative charge, allows for the selective exchange of positively-charged toxins. Inside each zeolite are positively-charged exchangeable (lighter) metals known as cations, usually calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.
These ions are only loosely held and can be readily displaced by other substances, such as toxic heavy metals or other organics in a process called cationic exchange. Zeolites have a preference or affinity for heavy metals due to the positive charge and fit of heavy metals within the zeolite cage.
If Zeolite is Formed from Silicon and Aluminum, can Aluminum be Released Into the Body?
No. There is no “free” aluminum in the zeolite; it is part of the molecular structure of the zeolite. This form of aluminum is totally inert and does not interact with the body in any way, as proven in numerous studies.
This is further demonstrated in our third-party tested chemical analysis, where the zeolite cage was dissolved using a strong acid mixture called Aqua Regia, and shows the chemical constituent of aluminum. However the chemical analysis of the finished product, which shows what is bioavailable, shows NO available aluminum
The molecular structure of zeolite is indestructible in the body. Zeolites are neither water nor fat soluble, and the molecule can withstand high heat.
Yes, all animals can benefit from the zeolite Clinoptilolite. Since pets are often directly exposed to heavy metals and toxins on pavements or pesticide-treated lawns, they can benefit from detoxification. Simply spray in their mouth.
This is further demonstrated in our third-party tested chemical analysis, where the zeolite cage was dissolved using a strong acid mixture called Aqua Regia, and shows the chemical constituent of aluminum. However the chemical analysis of the finished product, which shows what is bioavailable, shows NO available aluminum.
The molecular structure of zeolite is indestructible in the body. Zeolites are neither water nor fat soluble, and the molecule can withstand high heat.
Yes. The zeolite Clinoptilolite has been granted GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status by the FDA. Reduce the serving proportional to the child’s size.
The zeolite Clinoptilolite helps remove heavy metals and positively-charged toxins and Volatile Organic Compounds including:
- Aluminum
- Lead
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Arsenic
- Radioactive Metals
- Nitrosamines
- Bisphenol-A
- Toulene
- Benzene
- Pesticides
- Herbicides
No, zeolites only have an affinity for heavy metals and toxins. Clinoptilolite is a rare negatively-charged mineral. Most toxins and heavy metals are positively-charged. Like a magnet, the zeolite attracts and then traps positively-charged toxins before passing through the body.
What makes zeolite so special is that it is highly selective and ONLY takes out toxins.
During our proprietary cleansing process, the zeolite is filled with minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. When it takes in a “bad” ion such as lead, it gives back a “good” ion such as calcium to the body. That means there is NO mineral depletion.
This swapping bad for good (or cation exchange) is what makes zeolite a highly effective and safe detox.
The zeolite Clinoptilolite has been granted GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status by the Food and Drug Administration. Since zeolites will attract water to facilitate the detoxification process, adequate filtered water intake is suggested (8 to 10 glasses a day). If any signs of dehydration do appear (headaches, tiredness), increase your water intake and reduce your zeolite intake for that day.
We properly size the zeolite for maximum absorption and thoroughly clean it for effective detox potential; with third-party testing every step of the way.
The zeolite in Pure Body Extra undergoes a proprietary milling process that reduces the size of each of the zeolite “cages” to the nanometer range.
Many providers simply mechanically pulverize the zeolite cages, which can damage the cages and “break” the negative charge, rendering those zeolite cages completely ineffective. Our proprietary processing delivers intact zeolite cages, for negatively-charged zeolites optimally sized for absorption.
We also “clean” the zeolite in a multi-step proprietary process that releases any existing heavy metals and toxins from the zeolite cages, removes them, and replaces those toxins with the exchangeable cations calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.
These cations are then “exchanged” in the body when heavy metals and toxins are encountered, giving the body a calcium or magnesium ion in exchange for a lead, mercury, cadmium ion or other toxin. Even so, the “amount” of calcium, potassium, magnesium or sodium received into the body (in exchange for the toxin) is so minute it is not considered a form of supplementation of that mineral.
Don’t Miss Alana’s Must-See Interview With The CEO and Creator of Pure Body Zeolite Eddy Stone
Hear Eddie’s touching story of how he came to seriously study zeolites and why he only works with naturally mined volcanic zeolites and not man-made synthetic zeolites. “While synthetic zeolites are used in industrial applications, human and animal studies show benefit with whole, natural zeolite. Pure Body Extra uses natural zeolite, purified to perfection, and nano-sized for a whole-body detox.”